Tuesday, November 9, 2010
"Life can be so randomly beautiful" -Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)
So,you don't have to sigh too much, and regret about your life.
Ps : don't say 'galau' too much in your tweet or in your daily. It's annoying enough, and it shows how messy your life is.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tapi INSYAALLAH gua ga kapok. AMIN. Dibantu yaaa doanya dibantu yaaaa.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Oh iya ada hal yang mungkin kalau gue tulis judulnnya 4L4Y 43V3R..(baca : ALAY FOREVER)
Yeah, ykw… di angkot gue liat ada dua cewek gatau ya anak SMA mana, yang jelas dijilbab, dan tanpa ciput. Well, temen gue juga ada yang gapake ciput kalo dijilbab, tapi tetep aja bagus, TAPI INI BEDA, dia make jilbab bener-bener cuman menitiin jilbab dileher, ga dilipat dulu atau dibentuk dulu, bisa dibayangin ga ? ya atau ngaa ? ga peduli yang penting menurut gue ITU ANEH.
Then., mata gue beralih ke Name tag di uniform-nya, guess what ? tulisannya disitu M3LANI. GASH ! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IF THERE'S SOMEONE WITH 'ULTRA ALAY' as her first name. yeay, aneh aja ya ga sih ? Name texk yang dipake kesekolah gituuuu, nulisnya sampe segitu alaynya. UNPREDICTABLE.
Next, gue mengalihkan mata dari si M3LANI itu tuh, biar ga kebawa emosi gara-gara jijay. Mata gue tertuju pada cewek disebelahnya, ya masih sama pake jilbab tanpa ciput, but she looks better, TAPI LOOK HER EYES, GASH SHE USED EYELINER. Geez,jijaay banget, yeah I mean, we're still wearing UNIFORM.
SI IBU : "Ngga neng, ibu ga suka, tuh ada dagingnya, ibu mah teu beuki (ibu tuh ga suka)"
Gue : "……." Bengong. Ya gue pikir ada ya orang yang gasuka daging !, gue pikir cuman para veggie aja. Akhirnya gue kasiin ke ibu-ibu kentang, terus gue ke tempat mie ayam lagi, sambil ngobrol sama temen-temen gue tentang si kaka. Terus ngomongin geng motor yang nyeremin. Pokoknya NGECEBREK kalo kata orang sunda mah. Terus ujan, terus balik ke sekolah, ikutin pelajaran BTQ, dan gue pengen pipis, tapi lagi ngapalin do'a, didikte gitu. Pas diending gue angkat tangan,
gue bilang : "Pak"
eh si bapa malah bilang "Ya kamu, baca doa'nya sendiri, kelas ini pulang tergantung kamu" . GUE CENGO beberapa detik. Terus bilang
"Pak saya kebelet mau ke toilet" tapi gada kompromi. Oke gue baca doanya, ga begitu lancar. Eh si bapa malah, nyuruh orang lain untuk baca baru boleh pulang. Geeeeeeeeeeez. Pokonya endingnya pas si bapa tutup kelas BTQ gue langsung ngacir ke toilet.
Saatnya pulang,
Ujan. Huh males deh, jalan ke tangga 99, berasa jauh. Jalan sama Risa, Desy, Hanny, sama beberapa temen Risa. Langsung cus, naik angkot arah Bandung, turun di depan Pizza, masuk ke dalem, naik ke atas, pilih seat outdoor tapi panas, masuk lagi kedalem. Pesen. Ngobrol panjang lebar keketawaan. S-E-R-U. Makanan dateng, tetap ngobrol meskipun makan. Tapi yaa, sayangnya lagu yang diputer di Pizza Hut hari itu lagu Indonesia, geez. Tapi pas lagi ngobrol, tiba-tiba diputer lagu 'Always Be My Baby'. YEAH. MY FAVORITE. Then, lanjutin ngobrol seputar 'KAKA' kaka gue (?). kaka Risa (?), kaka Desy (?), kaka Hanny (?) HA.HA. sampe yang bikin lucu, Risa ma Desy bilang "KITA MAH BAKAL CINTA SMA NEGERI 2 CIMAHI, KALO KITA JADIAN MA SI KAKA" hahahaha, gue ngakak, CINTA SMA 2 ? unbelievable ah. Terus ngomongin masalah mata minus, terutama gue sama Desy, yang mana pake kacamata. Terus foto-foto, tadinya fotonya cuman duduk, terus jadi berdiri. Terus kepotong pesen take away buat orang rumah, terus lanjutin foto, yang beralih ke outdoor. Saking maceuh, diliatin Pak Satpam. HA.HA. Bodo ah. Terus balik, tapi kata Risa, suruh ke rumahnya dulu, sebenernya males, ujan. Tapi ya gapapa la, foto-foto lagi di jalan, tapi gue yang paling maceuh. Terus ke rumah risa, buka jilbab, benerin jilbab. Terus dikasi kado, terus pulang. Naik angkot sendiri ke rumah. H-E-N-I-N-G. dan gue ngantuk, tapi berisik denger anak-anak alay keketawaan.
Nyampe rumah mandi. Udah rapih, keluar rumah ke teras. BETE. Abis orang rumah pada acuh gitu. Mau masuk lagi kerumah, eh tante gue bawain tart cake, terus nyanyi Happy Birthday. SO.SWEET.HA.HA. *terekjes. Terus semua ngumpul, terus makan cake sama pizza, terus udah gue-nya ngantuk. Gue tidur. KEBO. Haha.
Esoknya, Sabtu. Sumfeh, ga inget apa yang gue lakuin, ingetnya pulang mandi. Dapet telepon dari nyokap nanya masi disekola apa uda dirumah ? soalnya klo masi disekola mereka mo jemput, secara mereka otewe ke Bandung dari Cikarang. Sorenya pergi ke Bandung ma keluarga. Numpang tweet-ing ma fb-an di bebe bokap selama dijalan. Nyampe B.I.P ditawarin mo beli apa ? gue jawabnya buku. Ditanya mau sepatu ga ? gue jawabnya engga mau. Soalnya mungkin gue capek jadi males. Intinya malam itu cuman makan, terus ya didoain ma bokap semoga gue makin baik dalam segala hal. AMIN. Malam itu yang gue bawa adalah sebuah novel dan owl necklace. *terekjes.
Esoknya, pergi kesekola dengan cemberut, gara-gara M-A-L-E-S. ada acara gitu kesekolah, ke taman budaya sama ke geologi. Meh. Nyampe sekola banyak banget kaka kelas yang pake baju bebas, tapi untuk para freshman, alias junior, alias kelas X pake baju seragam, kaka kelas pada maceuh gitu, pake baju yang ribet. Padahal cuman ke Bandung. Dan khusus angkatan mereka naik angkot PULA. Well skip. Nyampe taman budaya, ada little accident gitu, yeah. Devi lost her phone. Kasian. Terus masuk ke dalem teater. You know what ? kapasitas tempat duduk tuh ga sebanding sama audience, apalagi ditambah anak dari sekola lain. Geeeeez. Terus ke geologi. Seru. Karena gue emang suka itu tempat. Tapi.. gue jadi inget temen-temen waktu gue kelas 8. Terus acara bebas. Terus gue keliling geologi, soalnya minggu, gasibu rame. Tapi gue cuman beli bros kupu-kupu. Beli 4 biar kembaran. Haha. IEW BANGET yaaa. Terus pulang. Terus mandi. Terus tidur. Ah udah ah post-nya CAPEK. HEHE.
Yang jelas, kalo udah ultah ke 15, berarti gue sedang memulai menjalani. MASA USIA 16 GUE. BUBYE 15. I HOPE I'LL BE A BETTER ME IN EVERYTHING I DO. AMIN.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
- Maliq D'Essentials – Coba Katakan
- John Mayer – Say
- John Mayer – Back to You
- John Mayer – Friends, lovers, or nothing
- Neyo – Heartbreakers
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Kalo sekarang,
Kenapa ga ada mereka ?!, kenapa ga ada bokap nyokap di hari itu ? kenapa ga ada ade gue ? kenapa ga ada chunkiest ?????????????
MENERIMA PERBEDAAN YANG ADA, berarti kalo sebagian temen gue suka ngeledek gue ngomong pake 'gue-lo' berarti mereka ga open minded dooooooong.
Terbuka akan informasi baru
First, SELF RESPECT AND OPEN MINDED. I'll try my best. Wish me luck.
Mengurangi gelas-gelas kopi. SEMINGGU SEKALI MINUM KOPI. BISA GA YA GUE ? HARUS BISA !!!! Whatever it's coffee with milk, original, mocha, cappucinno, vanilla latte or etc.
MENGURANGI MAKAN KRIPIK SETAN, mau yang harganya gope, seribu, seribu gope, dua ribu gope. SEKALI SEMINGGU POKOKNYA MAKAN INI.
sekali sebulan.
CARI DUIT SENDIRI. (jualan apa lagi yaa ? masa Monol lagi)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Menuju 15
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Beginilah ceritanyaaaa……..
Hari, Sabtu tanggal 14, ortu and ade-ade gue dateng ke Bandung, sebenernya gue yang suruh kesana, ke Cikarang pas Sabtu, terus hang out ke Jakarta. Sekitar jam 3 sore, nyokap nelepon, 'teh, kita mau Metro PS, mau ikut ga ? kalo mau kamu ke Cikarang aja, besok kita maen ke Jakarta' terus gue jawab 'Emang mau ngapain mah ke PS, biasa juga MTA' mama jawab 'Ya, maen aja, cari baju lebaran' gue jawab 'Mama, aja yang pada kesini senin aku ada ulangan katanya, lagian Metro kalo ga salah di BSM ada' mama jawab 'oh yaudah, gimana entar'.
Eh, sekitar jam 8 malem, kucluk…kucluk.. keluarga gue dateng, terus pada ngobrol – ngobrol, terus tidur. Terus pas abis sahur sama shalat subuh, pada tidur lagi, sampe akhirnya jam 8, pada mandi, terus pergi, pas mau pergi gue bingung mau sandal apa, secara senldal Be-Bob gue udah gembel, yaudah mau pake sneakers converse gue, tapi…… jreng..jreng..jreng sneakersny dicuci sama uwa gue, otomatis gue pake sandal.. Mobil bokap jalan ngikutin jalan, and berenti di PVJ, pas parkir di basement, udah penuh, bokap muterin basement sekali lagi and Viola…. Ada yang keluar, parkir lah mobil bokap, di PVJ cuman kuralang kuriling, trus beli makanan-makanan jadul, terus udah pindah mall, tujuan selanjutnya BIP horay (It is my favorite Mall, kalo dibandingin BSM, mungkin lebih asoy BSM, tapi letak BIP itu lho, strategis, di depan BIP, ada Gramedia Merdeka, terus ada KFC hehehe). Di BIP rada bener ga kuralang-kuriling, soalnya udah mulai belanja, muylai dari sepatu sampe kue, tapiiiiii, pas belanja baju lah yang gue seneng, soalnya …
Jad gini, pas lagi milih-milih baju di belakang gue ada ibu – ibu yang lagi milih sweater ama anak cowoknya, (tapi gue belom liat muka cowoknya yaa), pas kepala gue ayunkan ke atas, Viola…… jreng…jreng….jreng.. tam…tam..tam… cowok itu.. cowok itu… adalah cowok yang seruangan sama gue pas test masuk SMA, oh my Gawd……. Gue langsung mengindar ntar keliatan lagi, muka dong-dong gue yang suka smile smile hahahaha. Eh sumpah yaa, tu cowok kul abis………… WOW..WOW.. perut gue serasa ga laper deh waktu liat hahahahhaha.
Udah ah, fellas gue frontal banget cerita kaya gini di blog hahahaha.. Bubyeeee.
Monday, August 9, 2010
i choose this picture, cause i know she doesn't like this picture. Aridianti Nisa Karima a.k.a Mima (or Rhidy ahahahaa, I gave this name for her), she is a lady-girl hahahahaha. Dia tuh kalem tapi unbelievable, tergila-gila sama hal tentang Korea (yaiyala). Pinter banget. Hmm apalagi ya ? suka nyeselin kalo lagi pengen curhat di telepon suka dengerin suka ngga, terus jago makan, ga suka baca novel atau buku apapun apalagi kalo bukunya tebel plus ga ada gambarnya, tapi suka buku pelajaran. (HERAN !). Waktu kelas 8 suka kaya kelelawar, klo ditelepon jam 5 sore pasti lagi tidur, giliran jam 12 keatas suka sms 'muth, lagi bangun ga ?'makanya kalo gw lagi ga bisa tidur atau takut gw pasti sms mima 'mim, masih sadar atau udah tewas ?'. Terus mima yang pertama kali ngajarin ngedit foto, mulai pake Paint, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Photoscape, sampe yang beribet pake Adobe Photoshop. Terus mima tuh gokil abis, pernah nekat ngajak jalan bareng dari Jababeka sampe rumah, dan dijalan foto-foto hahahahaha narsisme sih, tapi pas udah di Roxy g uemalah belok ke Intermedia buat baca-baca sambil ngadem hahahahaahha. Terus apa lagi ya ? oh iya satu hal yang ga akan pernah gue lupain, waktu SD patungan buat beli bubur terus diatas buburnya dikasih apa aja yang ada mulai dari pilus lah, macaroni lah, pokoknya urat malu tuh kaya udah putus waktu itu tuh, tapi sekarang gue memandang hal itu sebagai 'beautiful friendship' TAPI gini-gini pernah juga kok gue sama mima berantem, berantem kenapa ? ada deh hehehehe. Mima juga pernah rela pulang nganterin gue ke rumah gara-gara gue maagnya kambuh, terus balik lagi kesekolah untung waktu itu paas lagi classmeet. Pokoknya LOVE YA MIM, YOU'RE AMAZING
- Ajeng Rahayu Tjaraka a.k.a Ajeng… Pas tahu ajeng tuh kelas 8, awalnya gue bilang gini 'dih, siapa sih tuh anak yang deket sama si mima' tapi somehow ajeng tergabunglah dengan grup jajan gue, pas awal-awal, karena belom kenal kali yaa… pas si ajeng nyenderan ke gue, gue bilang 'dih, sok SKSD banget nih anak', terus pas awal-awal deket sama Ajeng, persahabatan gue sama ajeng diuji, jadi pas lagi isoma gue jajan cuman sama rizti gara-gara ga liat Mima, Ajeng, Ismi. Abis jajan gue sama rizti nongkrong dikelas EH tiba-tiba Ajeng marah-marah gara-gara nyangka gue ninggalin dia, yah karena gue juga temperament gue juga langsung marah-marah udah gitu gue kabur ke mesjid, disana mima bujuk gue untuk minta maaf, tapi gue nolak, cuman ga lama gue nyerah juga gue minta maaf. Terus pas kelas 9 ternyata ge sekelas dengan ajeng dan milih untuk duduk bareng dia. Pokoknya kemana-mana seringnya bareng shalat, jajan, makan, sampe mabal. Terus Ajeng yang sering nganterin gue ke toilet atau UKS kalo lagi sakit. Terus pas kapan gitu gue dan Ajeng berantem gara – gara hal sepele (malu ah ceritanya hehehe), asal gue ke kantin atau gue nongkrong di koridor pasti pertanyaannya 'muth kok ga sama ajeng sih' dan lama – lama berubah jadi 'baikan dooong, ga komplit deh kalo liat lo sama ajeng ga bareng' dan yang paling frontal adalah Depe, yang bilang gini 'ajeng tuh pa sama muthia berantem masa' duh muka gue merah banget secara Pa Nisan depan gue gitu kan maluu. Trus kalo gue lagi di deket si Ajeng tangan gue suka sok di salam-salamin ke tangan Ajeng, dan setelah beberapa minggu gue minta maaf dan ajeng juga minta maaf, trus kita jajan bareng eh pas lagi jalan di koridor langsung deh 'udah maafan ya ciyeeeee' trus ajeng bilang 'muth, kita diem-dieman sebulan lho' terus gue sama Ajeng tuh pernah ngerasain suatu kutukan bersamaan (ciyela itu gaya gue), jadi pas waktu itu tuh jam terakhir dan pelajaran BAHASA INDONESIA PEMIRSAAAAA !!!!! BISA DIBAYANGKAN ? akhirnya gue sama ajeng ke kantin trus beli kripset yang banyak sama beli waffle kalo ga salah supaya ga kepedesan, dan kita bawa dalam sekeresek item yang sedeng, terus masuk ke kelas kita duduk di belakang makanin kripset sambil duet nyanyi 'sshh…haaah ssshh haaaah' eh ga lama bu Sri teriak 'Amira Ajeng ayo aja kalian makan, pindah lagi kedepan' gue dan ajeng sambil nahan ketawa pindah kedepan sambil cengengesan. Eh besok paginya…..TAM..TAM..TAM..TAAAAAAM….. gue dan Ajeng sama – sama sakit perut hahaahahahahaha. Hmmm AJENG LOVE YOU SOOOOOO.
- Ismi Prilly Uzdalifah a.k.a Ismi, pertama kali kenal si Ismi waktu hari ke dua MOS SMP, waktu itu gue pindah ke jemputan Uda, yang isinya baru si Ismi, Rio, sama si Steven, pas kenalan ismi ngomongnya pelan banget, jadi pas awal – awal gue nyangka namanya dia tuh SIMI, terus ternyata kita sekelas. Pas semester dua, Ismi ngajak duduk bareng ya udah , gue sih mau – mau aja, ternyata Ismi tuh lama – lama gokil abis, terus dia cerita tentang temen-temennya yang di Jakarta terus tentang si (….) *sensor, terus sms-an pas sahur, macem-macem deh pokoknya. Pas kelas delapan gue juga sekelas sama Ismi, terus duduk bareng lagi, terus ya biasa suka ngantuk bareng kalo udah jam-jam terakhir. Pokoknya Ismi tuh orangnya kalem, ga kayak gue yang pecicilan, terus asik di ajak share pokoknya asik lah, termasuk asik diajak dangdutan juga hahahahahaha *becanda deng. ISMI, DAKU KANGEN DIKAU YANG ASYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK.
Well, I lost her 'ugly' picture, so i choose it Rizka Titi Harjanti a.k.a Rizti, orangnya keliatannya tuh easy going banget, nyantai, sama update music terus, lumayan hi-tech (piss ya bey, cuman mayan hehehe), NARSIS is her middle name hahahaha, GOKIL (duuh, kalo lagi gila dan pengen gila-gilaan asiknya ama rizti), ehm kalo pengalaman sama rizti pernah ke warnet bareng pas waktu jum'atan satu PC berdua (ciyeee cwit..cwit), tujuannya ya donlot lagu, terus sebelom donlot lagu biasanya kita bikin list dulu, terus kita berdua suka sok hi-tech pas orang baru pada pake facebook, kita udah bikin twitter, sama plurk, terus bikin segala macem hahahahaha. Terus Rizti paling solid kalo diajak gokil, waktu itu pas abis baca majalah kita niru hal gokil yang ada di majalah itu, yaitu…. Kita di tengah lapangan nunjuk-nunjuk ke atas langit sambil pasang wajah excited, plus suara 'ya ampun….ya ampun..' atau 'itu…itu…' TETAPI pada kesempatan pertama gagal, kesempatan kedua yaitu di depan lab IPA, dan BERHASIL HOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, ada ade kelas dua orang cowok yang ikut-ikutan liat ke atas terus pasang wajah cengo, gue sama rizti ga tahan ketawa akghirnya kita masuk ke LAB. RIZTOOOOOOONG, LOVE YOU…
- Sekarang kita beralih ke Chibhatul Mufrida a.k.a Batul, eh ngga deng FRIDA panggilannya. Anak yang wajahnya sedingin es di kutub utara (eh kutub utara apa selatan ya ?) , tapi kadang care, terus orangnya rada aneh, tapi asyik, terus hi-tech, ADA YANG MAU BELI BARANG ELEKTRONIK ? KONSULTASI DAHULU KEPADA FRIDA.jago ngedit foto, waktu kelas delapan kerjaannya suka kayak paparazzi, ngomongnya suka cablak kadang, tapi bisa berubah 180 derajat kalo dia lagi pengen. Orang yang paling sering ngajak chat di Y!M gatau kenapa, terus mengagumi seseorang bernama (….) yang merupakan hasil penemuan gue (lho ?!) hahahahha. Orangnya easy going banget, jarang ngeliatin wajah panic kecuali pas kartu test (kartu test apa ya ? lupa gue),eh kartu test apa buku pe-er matematika ya… pokoknya ya itulah, ketinggalan. Tapi itulah seorang Mufrida dimata gue, sejak kelas satu SD, dan juga hal itu tuh ciri khas dia yang ngangenin. Hal yang paling diinget dari Frida, adalah chat-chat di Y!M sama kejadian pas berantem hahahahahha. MPRIIIID GUE KANGEN ELU DEH, KIRIMIN GUE PULSA YAAAAAA.
- Fisti Madarina a.k.a Fisti, first impression sama dia keliatannya jutek, pilih-pilih temen, TAPI KENYATAANYA BERBALIK 180 derajat, orangnya asik sih, tapi tetep ringan tangan (dalam arti lain lho hehe), hi –tech abis padahal dia baru mulai main friendster aja kelas 8, tapi, beuh langsung pesat kemajuannya termasuk facebook, plurk, twitter blog and tumblr, terus yang kerennya lagi dia pernah bikin plurk template sendiri, dan gambarnya tokoh-tokoh La Corda D'Oro Primo Passo, duh begitu liat langsung iler gue netes. #lebay. Fisti.. tar kalo makin hi-tech hadiahin gue personal template blog yaaaa… Miss You.
- Ida Ayu Meila a.k.a Meila, Menurut lo meila gimana muth ? WAAAAAAAAH BIJAKSANA. Iya lah Meila kalo ada orang berantem pasti dia di pihak netral. Orangnya santai, pinter lagi, terus dewwasa pembawaannya, punya tinggi yang menjulang, berambisi jadi POLWAN, mel kalo nanti gue jadi wanita karier terus ngebut gara-gara mau meeting jangan ditilang ya mel, #ngelantur. Orangnya kalo dimintain tolong tanpa pamrih, ah pokoknya mantep deh, jadi kangen deh mel. MEILA AKU KANGEN KAMU.
- Ade Ratna Mutiara a.k.a Tumini eh Ade deng panggilannya, orangnya tuh lebay, tapi asik, seruu, rame, wah jarang keliatann sedih deh, dia pernah pura-pura nangis yang disangka nangis beneran gara-gara si Lukman (ciyeeee ADE SAMA LUKMAN), lucu banget waktu liat si Lukman bujuk si Ade supaya berenti nangis, wah co cwit deh. Terus mukanya kalo diliat-liat mirip sama TJ yang di Sinden Gosip, tapi manisan si Ade, suarnya juga cempreng abis, kaya TOA. Dan yang pasti Ade tuh Made in Lampung hahahaha, kadang si Ade suka dipanggil Kambas. Adeeeeee kangen deh gue sama lo.
- Aulia Dinda Prianidya a.k.a Depe, soulmatenya Ade, orangnya kalem tapi kalo lagi kumat masya allah, terus kalo ngunyah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget, pernah nganterin gue pulang naik motor, (makasih depe), temen les di L.PLUS, orang yang paling sering ngatain hasil jepretan gue hoooooooooooooo, katanya jelek lah apalah, terus kalo di foto ribeeeeet banget rambutnya harus perfect ga boleh ada kuncupnya katanya. Tulisannya keciiiil banget, pernah beberapa kali nyatetin catetan bahasa Indonesia di buku gue karena katanya males nyatet di buku sendiri, terus kalo pelajaran bahasa inggris dia suka minta tolong, terusterusterus gue kangen depe.
- Eldha Luvy Zha alias Kelin eh ngga deng Eldha namanya orangnya rame banget, cinta mati SuJu, sama Rpatz, terus Twilight addict, temen LPLUS juga sama temen SD, terus temen waktu di IEC. Kangen El.
- Melinda Hakiki alias Melinda, orangnya lembut banget, sama-sama berbody L kaya gue. THE JAKMANIA (hehehe, biar kamu the jak aku Viking kita tetep temenan kan bebs ?), anak LPLUS. Hal yang paling diinget adalah pernah bikin video iklan Hi-Lo di Lpluls, video-nya asli gokil banget, gue dan Meli paling heboh di videonya, UNTUNGNYA video tersebut segera di hapus oleh Eldha Luvyzha sang cameramen, hahahahahahaha. Meli gudangnya dvd, kan dia paling seneng ke tempat dvd bajakan di Rusa Raya. Meli miss you.
- Gishela Rahayu Suciati eh apa ya panggilannya lupa gue pokoknya dipanggilnya shela, dia pinter matematika tapi suka dongdong kalo dikelas, padahal aslinya dia pinter matematika (udah lulus semua level KUMON booooooo), orangnya rame, kisahnya pernah gue angkat jadi sinetron di 9th grade entertainment channel, hehehehe (saingannya kisah 'AYU'). Orangnya gokil, paling jago makan dikelas tanpa ketahuan. Suka banget Panic! At The Disco, apalagi vokalisnya Brandon IMB hehehe bukan deng Brandon Urie. Suka minum Green Sands. Apalagi yaaaaaaaaaa… oya suka ngasih peje, tapi punya utang satu peje ama gue pas jadian sama Fadhil.
- Salsabila Ayu Bestari a.k.a Lhalla ! lhalla pecinta korea, isengnya ga ketulungan banget deh, soulmatenya si Ayu kalo dikelas, rajin bawa bekel ke sekolah. Oya lhalla juga pernah ngajakin gue fitness bareng tapi ga jadi-jadi sampe gue pindah ke Bandung, hiks ! PAKE SIMPATI ! KAYA GUE ! apalagi yaaaaa…… udah lah pokoknya Lhala tuh emejing.
- Ayu Prima Wiyanto Putri alias Ayu, waah dia tuh artis legendaries di 9th grade entertainment channel, gara-gara sinetron 'AYU' yang booming sampe 2000 episode (hehehe, map ya yu). Sama kaya Lhalla rajiiiiin banget bawa bekel, doyan makan, orangnya supel, paling sering nunjukin muka bête pas harus ngurusin KAOS 9.8 hehehe. JENONG ! hehehe, tapi jago bawa Jupiter MX.
- Erma Novalina Lubis a.k.a Erma atau Nova, orangnya narsissssss banget, berkacamata hitam tapi sama kaya gue kacamatanya ga bener, kalo gue kacamatanya ilang, kalo dia kacamatanya bengkok. ANAK PRAMUKA SEJATI, WEITS ! cita-citanya jadi Sarjana Hukum.
- Alfa Dinar Calista Putri, ga tau deng nulis calistanya gimana hehehe, anaknya pinter, sama-sama sebagai (mantan)calon siswa SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG, hehehe. Orangnya kalem tipe-tipe lady-girl gitu, jago bahasa inggris, Anak LPLUS jugaaaa.
- Andina Ayu Pusparini, orangnya mirip sama Dinar kalem gitu, udah kenal sejak kelas 1 SD !! hmmm deket banget sama rizka dan rizka f ismi dan dinar, jago bahasa inggris, pelajaran lain juga jagoo, bias bahasa Jepang ya pus ? pokoknya orangnya kalem. Gapecicilan kaya gue deh.
- Rizka Fitriana alias Rizka, waah pinter banget anaknya, UN Tertinggi di SMP lhoooooo, orangnya kalem tapi rame, terus baik terus pokoknya emejing lah.
- Zahratul Haya alias Aya, gudangnya NOVEL ckckckcck, pernah bawain Novel sampe satu tas lhoooo. Sering banget nonton Idola Cilik, biasanya suka sama Ismi, tapi sama Depe juga pernah. Orangnya asik, games di hapenya lumayan banyak.
- Gabela Evita Sari kalo ga salah soh nama panjangnya gitu, orangnya rameeee banget, suka lebay-lebayan bareng gue apalagi kalo udah acting nangis-nangisan yang lebay banget hehehe, suka SuJu, suka nge-dance, suaranya serek-serek banjir disertai hujan angin dan Badai (lhoooo ?!), suka teriak-teriak histeris gituuuu.
- Angelica Intania panggilannya angel bukan deng panggilannya anggi, orangnya kaleeem banget. Asyik diajak ngobrol.
- Septiani Mentari , orangnya suka dingin gitu tapi baik, punya buku yang bikin gue penasaran tapi guenya bokek mulu kalo urusan beli novel.hehehe punya body yang gue mauuuuuu…
- Bulan Tresna Heryudi a.k.a Bulan. Suaranya bagus, suka westlife, SuJu pokoknya korea-korean, kulitnya putih (mauuuuuuuuuu…)
- Galuh, kenal galuh waktu kelas Sembilan, anaknya baik, oiya pernah dipinjemin novel judulnya Kitten Heels, seru lho.
- Amelia Dwi Astuti a.k.a Amel, badannya tinggi banget, mauuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Punya banyak novel, dan ada novel yang menarik hati, jiwa, dan raga gue (ciye) yep, judulnya The Missing Rose.
- Imam Perkasa (wedeeee perkasa bo), orangnya item banget, soulmatenya gigon, kenal ama dia dari kelas satu SD ckcckkcckck, orangnya gaje abis.
- Surya …. Apa gitu gue lupa pokoknya panggilannya Gigon, gara-gara giginya kaya gitu, VIKING pastinya padahal orang Semarang, anak Aksel (wedeeeeeeeeee).
- William Rio panggilannya bebas, maklum orangnya juga abstrak, pernah make sepatu Tomkins gue, yang bikin gue kelimpungan nyari-nyari. JOROKERS abees.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
It's Bieber AGAIN
hmmm, trully i'm not BIEBER FEVER
but sumhow i love this song so much, cause it sounds so different than Bieber's other songs.
Lyrics for that Should Be Me
Everybody's laughin in my mind
Rumors spreadin 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you did with me
Does he love you the way i can
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me
Cause baby i didn't.
That should be me, holdin your hand
That should be me, makin you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me, feelin your kiss
That should be me, buyin you gifts
This is so wrong, i cant go on
Til you believe that that should be me.
That should be me.
You said you needed a little time
From my mistakes
It's funny how you used that time
To have me replaced
Did you think that i wouldn't see you
Out at the movies
What you doing to me
You're taking him to where we used to go
Now if you're tryna break my heart
It's working cause you know
[Repeat Chorus]
That that should be me, holdin your hand
That should be me, makin you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me, feelin your kiss
That should be me, buyin you gifts
This is so wrong, i cant go on
Til you believe that should be me.
I need to know should i fight for love
Or disarm
Its getting harder to shield
This pain in my heart
Ooh Ooh
[Repeat Chorus]
That should be me, holdin your hand
That should be me, makin you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me, feelin your kiss
That should be me, buyin you gifts
This is so wrong, i cant go on
Til you believe that that should be me.
Holdin your hand
That should be me
The one makin you laugh, Oh baby
That should be me, yeahh.
That should be me, givin you flowers
that should be me, talking for hours
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me
Never shoulda let you go.
I never shoulda let you go.
That should be me
I never shoulda let you go.
That should be me.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Okay, let speaks in bahasa hehehe.
Kesan pertama saat nonton serial ini adalah, 'wow, IT'S TRUE' yep, kisah-kisahnya tuh bisa dibilang mirip lah sama kenyataan, misal orang tua yang sekuat tenaga nyari sekolah untuk anaknya yang terkena penyakit Asperger (honestly,gue ga tau untuk nulis penyakit tersebut, dan sama sekli ga tau tentang penyakit tersebut) , terus kisah tentang seorang Sarah, yang merupakan single parents dan memiliki dua anak, satu perempuan dan satu lelaki yang sedang tumbuh dewasa. Terus kisah Haddie remaja cewek usia 15 (seumuran), yang merupakan kakak dari Max (penderita asperger) yang memberontak ke orang tuanya, karena dilarang pacaran dan marah ke orang tanya karena lebih perhatian sama Max. Terus gue liat kalau ayahnya Haddie sangat amat mem-protect si Haddie, karena takut kehilangan anak ceweknya.
And now, gue sadar kalau orang tua kita tuh bukan marah sama kita, tapi takut kalau kita tuh gagal untuk menjadi 'orang'. As same as Haddie's father, my dad does the same things like Haddie's father did. Yup, papa suka marah ke gue kalau gue suka ngelakuin kebiasaan buruk gue, next bokap sering banget ngejelasin ke gue dan ade-ade gue, cara gimana kita hars bisa menjaga diri sebagai anak perempuan, (you girls, I guess you know what I mean), terus kalo deket ama cowok tuh jangan terlalu deket, jangan mau di pegang –peganglah, dan ternyata hal –hal yang kaya gitu tuh juga diajarkan oleh para orangtua di Amerika sana, yang gue pikir awalnya kalo orang tua di Amerika tuh pasti ngebebasin anak –anaknya sebebas-bebasnya.
And Now, I promise and I'll try that I'll do my best in everything to make my parents proud of me.
And in the future, I wish that I'll be a good parents like my parents did.
Monday, June 28, 2010
When I was on the way to home
1st Conversation..
Setelah hang out dari PRJ, akhirnya gue dan keluarga memutuskan untuk pulang ke rumah, dan itu sekitar hmmm jam 10 lah gue pulang. Dan keluar pintu gerbang PRJ aja susahnya minta ampun Rameeeeeeee banget. Macet ga ? PASTI LAH. Then kita keluar dari kemacetan maut tersebut, next dijalan kan rame banget gue liat dua sepeda motor dikendarai orang – orang berpakaian THE JAK PEMIRSAAAAA ! AWW AWW, ah tapi gue ga mau bahas ini ya, takut disangka 'nyerempet' postingannya, sooo kita ke main conversationnya ya..
Mobil memasuki gerbang toll…
Fira : "Ko ga nyapa pah ? biasanya suka 'Selamat Pagi' atau 'Selamat Malam'".
Dad : "Ah males biasanya, kalo malem mereka tuh capek, suka ga bales"
Gue dan Fira : "Ooooh"
Mobil melaju beberapa centi dari gerbang toll…
Mum : "Kok mirip Christian Bautista ya mukanya ?"
Dad : "Dia tuh cuman menang putih sama mancung, kalo papa putihan aja sama mancung sama deh kayak Christian Bautista"
Gue dan Fira :"-_________________________________________________________-"
Gue, Fira, dan Mama tuh pengagum berat Christian makanya langsung males denger pas si papa ngomong kaya gitu.
2nd Conversation..
Ini kita antara gue, Fira dan Mama..
Pas lagi di tengah-tengah jalan toll, tepatnya disamping gedung Djarum itu lhooo.. Gue dan Fira sednag memuji 'ayang-ayang' kita alias Christian Ronaldo hehehehe,next
Gue dan Fira (refleks) : "Innalillahi Wa Innailahi Roji'un…"
Mama : "Pejabat..Pejabat"
Gue : "Ih ngeriiiii"
Fira : "Iya, gue juga takut"
Mum : "PEJABAT..ITU PEJABAAAT" (suaranya dinaikin tiga oktaf)
Fira : "Kirain tuh, mama ngomong 'sabar..sabar…'"
Mum : "Dasar.dasar"
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mom : "APA ? PAPA NABRAK ?" [sambil pasang wajah panik]
Gue : "HAH ?! Kenapa ma ?" [Mata gue langsung terbelalak, langsung ambil langkah seribu ngekor si Mama ke kamar]
Mom : "Psssstt.. Diem..diem berisik"
Gue : [Diem sambil berimajinasi, ya allah jangan – jangan yang suka gue takutin kejadian]
Mom : "PA, PAPA, PA..PAAA"
Fira : "Ih kenapa si Ma ? Maa kenapa ih ? kenapa sih si mama ? Mah"
Naira : "Ih kenapa mah ?"
Mom : "Diem ah berisik"
Gue : "Coba matiin dulu mah, teleponnya"
Mom : "Duh tadi si Papa teriak 'AAAAAA', gitu terus bilang 'Pa, maaf pa, maaf'"
Gue : "Positif thinking aja ma, posisi Papa dimana ? "
Mom : "Di jalan toll, Iiiih si papa, nih kalo bawa mobil sekarang –sekarang seringnya ngebut, apalagi mobil yang ini"
Kemudian Mama menelepon si papa,
Mom : "Hallo, PAH NABRAK YA ?" tanya si Mama.
Gak lama..
Mom : "Oh…oh…oh"
Mom : "OOOOO"
Mom : "Oh yaudah, assalamualaikum"
Gue : "Kenapa ma ?"
Mom : "Biasa si Papa, lupa naro uang receh pas bayar toll"
Mom : "Iya tuh si papa kerjaannya bikin panik, dasar pelupa huh ampuuuuun"
Gue : "-_______________________________-"
Duh kalo si papa tiap hari kaya gitu, langsing deh gue hahahaha OH MY CLUMSY DADDY.
here Details in Fabrics
Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads saying
Breaking yourself up
If it's a broken part, replace it
But, if it's a broken heart then brace it
If it's a broken heart then face it
And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your own name
And go your own way
And everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I'm doing everything
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything, everything will be fine
Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?
Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.
Yeah everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hold your own
And know your name
And go your own way
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way)
Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine?
Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name)
Hell no reason go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing
Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold
Eh haaaay, fellas saya mau kasih tau sesuatu tapi jangan bilang – bilang uang lain yaaaaaaaaaaaa. Pssssstt…. SAYA Lagi KUMAT GAJENYA hhehehe..
Yauda lah ya, meningan kita dengerin Coyotes-nya Jason Mraz, key ?
Oiy nih lyricsnya biar afdol hahahaha
Sipping coffee at a quarter to two
I wake up and i'm dallin and my minds running to you
No wonder i'm a one woman man
She keeps me hot in a jar on the nightstand
I should tell her that she couldn't be more
Opposite then a foot in a door,
Theres no one else I would rather go out with, thats hell when I see them standing there
Me and my mouth we don't mean to be rushing
We talk about deep freely cuz we crushing
I want to shake both sides of the brush ya
Theatrically I say we rock it
And when the coyotes they sing at the park
Till the city lights starts falling
Ride them rodes they winding down till the flame hits the ground
Every motion is closer to touching the coyotes sing when they call in the middle of it.
Coming back for more,
You know I'm coming for you
You know we should be should be together
While we rock, we won't put a stop
Not today not tomorrow.
You better lock your doors
You know why, cuz we want you
Cuz when I kill a liar
I wish the world was a live like you.
I wish the world would help me through
Another repetuity to approach you
Another telepathic rendezvous
I wish you would walk when your jogging
You got a duty to sell in mexico
I got to try to keep you acting shady
I don't like liking you when you walk because
I gotta figure out the snooze alarm
I wanta lay in a place till dawn
I wanta play in the park come on
Now let me see ya alarm in the lesh hello
And when the coyotes escape to new york
Then the city lights has crumbles to the sea
And the girls turned it into lost and found
The flying metal hit the ground
Every motion is closer to touching the coyotes singing
I'm a coyote and I got a taste for your loving
You know I will come for you
You know we should be, we should be together,
Because once we work we want to stop
Not today or tomorrow
Because once we work we want to stop
Not today or tomorrow
You know I will come for you
You know we should be, we should be together,
Because once we work we want to stop
Not today or tomorrow
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Eh…eh..eh hellooo fellas, saya lagi dalam mood terbaik saya untuk menulis nih, yep menulis sebuah posting blog hahaha [bukan menulis project – project novel saya yang tidak terprediksi akan selesai kapan]. Well…well mau tanya deh 'emang seorang remaja tuh rata – rata labil ya ?' ah sudah lah ga mungkin dapat jawaban yang diinginkan dalam waktu sekejap kan, seperti cara Nirmala tinggal memutar tongkat dan jadi deh apa yang diinginkan. Ah ngelantur. Ohya saya mau cerita tentang saya, boleh ga sih ? boleh lah ini kan blog saya,*kembalimelantur.
Saya adalah seorang remaja putri (usia 15 boleh kan disebut sebagai remaja putri ?) yang sangat menyayangi keluarga saya, tapi saya bukan lah orang yang ekspresif dalam meng-ekspresikan rasa sayang saya terhadap keluarga saya.
Pencinta kopi [SEGALA JENIS LHO ?!] dan coke, dari keterangan tadi saya yakin kalau saya bukan lah remaja putri yang sehat, lihat deh badan saya yang gendut [ini karena malas olahraga dan sering minum coke serta coffee] tapi biarpun gendut saya sangat mencintai diri saya, seperti majalah Girfriend bilang 'Self-Respect'
Kutubuku, mungkin kata tersebut seharusnya melekat dalam – dalam di tubuh saya, tapi karena saya adalah siswi yang super ceria dan kadang lebay jadi ga cocok kalo dipanggil dengan sebutan 'kutubuku'. Saya mencintai buku aneka jenis, novel, sastra [saya pernah lho baca buku jenis ini], komik, dan pastinya pelajaran [ini HARUS karena merupakan sebuah kewajiban bagi seorang pelajar seperti saya]. Untuk novel, saya ga usah ditanya saya punya apresiasi tersendiri kepada penulis novel, karena telah berhasil menuangkan segala hal – hal yang ada dipikirannya, termasuk khayalannya. Kalau untuk sastra, saya pernah membaca sebuah karya sastra, saya tidak tahu pasti, apakah itu sebuah novel ? tapi saya menyebutnya itu adalah buku sastra dengan skala sedang [Untuk para guru bahasa indonesia seluruh Indonesia maafkan saya jika telah membuat aturan baru], buku tersebut berjudul, aa-ii-uu [kalau tidak salah] saya lupa tepatnya, saya menemukan buku tersebut di perpustakaan SMP saya, ketika saya sedang jenuh melihat deretan textbook. Ah sudah lah yah kita menuju selanjutnya.
DoubleC, Cuek tapi Care hahaha kadang saya terlihat cuek banget lho padahal care, tapi karena saya bukan lah seorang yang ekspresif dalam menunjukkan rasa perhatian saya.
Pengen banget dapet hadiah ulang tahun, sebuah personal template blog, yang memperlihatkn hal-hal yang saya suka, seperti tumpukan novel [GLAMGIRLS series terutama,] Coffee, Coke, My Cow Doll, or as known as si buruk rupa [papa, yang kasih nama nih, katanya boneka itu jelek], terus gambar menara Eiffel, terus gambar Kota Bandung. Pokoknya semua hal yang saya sebutkan di mix jadi satu dengan efek hitam biar look-nya dapet gitu, HELLOOO untuk seluruh teman saya se-saentaro nusantara [lebay] yang hi-tech kasih saya hadiah itu dooong.
Eiffel Tower, suka banget liatnya [di gambar-gambar huhu] EVERYBODY take me to Paris hehehe..
Bandung, Saya lahir disana dan saya berhasil menjadi siswa SMA disana, meskipun di SMA NEGERI 2 CIMAHI bukan SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG yang merupakan impian saya sejak SD, tapi biarpun hanya di SMA NEGERI 2 CIMAHI saya tetap bangga lho.
SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG, saya pengeeeeeen banget bisa menjadi bagian SMA ini, jadi siswa lhoo, tapi itu harapan karena saya mengundurkan diri pas test, ah udahlah saya hanya berharap kelak ade saya bisa menjadi siswi SMA tersebut. Amin.
Alergi Kucing, alergi saya ini bukanlah suatau alergi seperti saya bersin – bersin kalo deket kucing, atau gatel –gatel BUKAN, tapi alergi yang saya maksud adalah alergi jika terdapat kucing didekat saya, dan kucing tersebut berjaln kearah saya, lalu alergi jika meliht foto kucing dekat – ekat ke wajah saya. Mohon untuk seluruh teman saya, maafkan sya ya yang sudah dibuat repot untuk ngusir kucing ketika bersama saya, misalnya di kantin atau dimana gitu.
Cinta Rambut saya, rambut saya emang ga sebagus rambut Dian Sastro atau para artis, tapi saya cinta rmbut saya yang curly, berwarna hitam, dan pastinya lebat. Hehe saya suk gaya rambut saya yang di segi, tapi ga di trap [itu lho disegi yang di tipisin dibagian bawah], yep jatohnya jadi kaya di oval, apalagi kalo lagi panjng senenga banget deh curly-curly gimana gitu. SEKSEH kalo kata temen-temen, hahahaha. Tapi ga boleh di panjangin sama si mama, katanya sedeng aja biar fresh. Saya suka pengen nangis lho kalo ke salon buat potong rambut, rambut saya digunting beberapa centi huaaaaa, padahal sebelum dipotong saya rawat dengan baik [Bo'ong deng cuman di shampoo, males nih pake conditioner].
SUNDA 100%. Sebenernya ada darah Jawa tapi dikit kok, jadi SUNDA sudah jadi darah saya, hahahahaha [ini bukan rasis lho]. Saya cinta lho bahasa sunda, makanan sunda, dan orang sunda hahahaha [eits, jangan pikir macem2 ya, yang saya maksud keluarga saya yang orang sunda bukan cowok2 bandung yang guanteng, tapi suka juga deng hehe]
Punya obsesi menjadi BUSINESS WOMEN, hehehehe pengen ngikutin jejak si papa, yang kerja kantoran, dan suka join bisnis. Doakan saya bisa fellas.
Suka sok-ok jadi Penulis Novel. Yep, say suka nulis novel di komp [komputer lho bukan kompor hehe], tpi ga jelas selesainya kapan. Saya akn pemalas, tapi lebih tepat trauma deng, soalnya di komputer tua saya yang dulu, ketika novel saya sduah memasuki halaman 50 lebih, tiba – tiba raib, gara – gara komputer saya rusak dan data – datanya hilang.
Pengen banget pas kuliah nanti, atau SMA sekalian kerja part-time jadi DJ RADIO, hehehe pengen banget jadi penyiar radio lho, apalagi di Bandung doa'kan saa fellas. Amin.
Addicted abis sama Jonas Brothers, apalagi Joe Jonas, dan saya suka seleb Hollywood yang huruf depannya J, such as Jonas Brothers, JOE JONAS, James Morrison, Justin Bieber, Jason Mraz, etc
Punya obsesi terkenal lewat blog saya, tapiiiiii blog saya aja viewers nya dikit.
Punya Gang yang biar suka gaje, tapi asooy, THE CHUNKY, uhm love ya gurls [Ajeng, Mima, Rizti, Ismi]
Punya juga sahabat yang baik & dan asoooy diajak ngobrol, Alivia Nazeha, ato Pephi.
DAN TERAKHIR SAYA CINTA DIRI SAYA, apapun yang terjadi. Hehe
Udahan ah Bubye fellas
PS : Sebenernya dalam sehari –hari saya menggunakan 'gue - lo' hehehehe.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Good Night, fellas. Heyho saya mau nge-post nih., yep nge-post lyricsnya TRAIN – Soul Sisters. Nih lyricsnya…
Heeey heeeey heeeeey
Your lipstick stains on the front lobe
of my left-side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moving
The smell of you
in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
you're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind
Hey soul sister,
ain't that mister mister
on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister,
I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeey
Just in time,
I'm so glad you have
a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection,
we can't deny
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat
right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin,
you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna
blow your mind
Hey soul sister,
ain't that mister mister
on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister,
I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do tonight
Well you can cut a rug
Watching you is the only drug I need
So gangster, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me
Hey soul sister,
ain't that mister mister
on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister,
I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do tonight
Hey soul sister,
I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Ayo buruan download lagunya asyik lo buat goyang – goyang gaje pagi – pagi. Hehehehehe
Sunday, June 20, 2010
"You can't keep coming in and out of people's lives, messing things up. It's not right." -The Family Man (2000)
SEE, bro ?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Good Night, fellas !
Hehehehe, saya akan mem-posting sesuatu yang tidak penting, tapi mungkin dapat menjadi rekomendasi untuk anda,
Here this is my recent playlist
- It's My Life/Confessions – GLEE CAST. (ini lagu ballads, gitu, eh kalo 2 lagu ato lebih dikombinasiin disebut apa sih ? gatau lah saya)
- Hey Soul Sisters – TRAIN (ini yummy banget lho lagunya, buat kalian yang pengen semangat di pagi hari, lagu ini wajib ada di playlist kamu pagi - pagi)
- Replay – I.Y.A.Z (random aja pas masukin ke playlist)
- STUCK IN THE MOMENT – Justin Bieber (kalo,yang ini alasannya di post sebelumnya hehehe)
- Live Like You're Dying – Kris Allen (ini asyik lho laguny musiknya gue suka, mirip music lagu apa gitu gue lupa tapi yang jelas enak)
- Vanilla Twilight – Owl City (the only one Owl City's song, ilovesomuch, video clipnya bagus, gue suka)
- Trouble is A Friend – Lenka (unik lagunya, suara khas lenka dapet banget disini)
- Eenie Meenie – Justin Bieber (lucu liriknya)
- So Sick – Neyo (ini sih gara – gara broken hearted moment kemaren – maren tapi suka banget lagu – lagunya Neyo)
- Angel's Cry – Mariah Carey feat Neyo (yeah emang gue suka lagunya Neyo hehehe)
- Broken Hearted Girl – Beyonce (Lyricsnya hiks..hiks..)
- Nothin' On You – BoB feat Bruno Mars (ini mah gue emang suka, lagian asyik banget lagunya plus video clipnya seru)
Tips : kalau mau dngerin lagu – lagu ini, pas lagi baca novel deh ditambah a cup of vanilla latte. hmmmilla latte. hmmmm
Hehehe, fellas udah ya, dadah
EH, lagu ini asyik banget lho, Justin Bieber yaaaa meski sama ya, sama lagu – lagu sebelumnya, tentang cewek dan musiknya juga Bieber abis, but that lyrics is sooooo me,, hehehe
Here that lyrics for you gurls..
Lyrics to Stuck In The Moment :
With you,
With you,
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place...
Now Romeo & Juliet,
bet they never felt the way we felt,
Bonnie & Clyde,
Never had to hide like
We do,
We do...
You and i both know it can't work,
It's all fun and games,
'til someone gets hurt,
And i don't,
I won't let that be you...
Now you don't wanna let go,
And i don't wanna let you know,
There might be something real
between us two, who knew?
And we don't wanna fall but,
We're tripping in our hearts
and it's reckless and clumsy,
And i know you can't love me, hey...
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Can Do),
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...
See like Adam & Eve,
Tragedy was a destiny,
Like Sunny & Cher,
I don't care,
I got you baby...
See we both,
Fightin' every inch of our fiber,
'cause in a way,
It's gonna end right but,
We are both too foolish to stop...
Now you don't wanna let go,
And i don't wanna let you know,
There might be something real
between us two, who knew?
And we don't wanna fall but,
We're tripping in our hearts
and it's reckless and clumsy,
And i know you can't love me, hey...
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Can Do),
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you...
See like,
Just because this cold cold world
saying we can't be,
Baby, we both have the right to decide we,
And i ain't with it,
And i don't wanna be so old and gray,
And it isn't 'bout these better days,
But convince just telling us to let go,
So we'll never know...
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
'cause everything we did,
And everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
oh no no!
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have
is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do,
(Nothing my heart can do),
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you,
Yeah, whoa whoa...
PS : yang gue bold itu.. MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. hahahaha
Natalie Portman
Yuhu ! say hi first ya pastinya for you all.
Sooooooo, HELLO FELLAS !!!
Well, gue nge-fans banget lo sama yng namanya Natalie Portman, why ? gara – gara baca GOGIRL! Magz, edisi GEEK. Gue si awalny tau Natlie tuh dari film – film aja, I mean ga pernah tahu atau mencari tahu profile tentang dia, tapi pas baca profilenya widiwww keren banget, so this is a short info 'bout Natalie Portman..
Name : Natalie Portman
Place of Birth : Jerusalem
Date of Birth : June, 9th 1981,
And this is her trivia for you gurls,
- Turned down a role in The Horse Whisperer (1998) to act in "The Diary of Anne Frank" on Broadway.
- Graduated from Syosset High School, Syosset, New York. [29 June 1999]
- Has been a vegetarian since the age of 8.
- Has taken dance lessons since the age of 4.
- Says that math was her favorite subject in school "because there's always an answer."
- Stated in a TV interview that with the exception of the Star Wars prequels, she will not act for the next four years in order to concentrate on studying at Harvard University. [1999]
- Can speak two languages, Hebrew and English (her native languages), fluently. Also knows some conversational French, German, and Japanese and Spanish.
- Originally turned down the role of Ann August in the film Anywhere But Here (1999) because of the love scene between herself and Corbin Allred that required nudity. Susan Sarandon, who had co-star approval, said she couldn't continue the movie without Portman, so the script was re-written without the scene and she accepted the role.
- Was a member of the environmental song and dance troupe The World Patrol Kids under her real name, Natalie Hershlag.
- She is an only child.
- She went to Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Camp in 1994 and 1995 where she was Anne in "Anne of Green Gables" in 1994 and "Tapestry" in 1995.
- She was discovered in a pizza parlor and was originally turned down for the role of Mathilda in Léon (1994) because she was too young.
- David Letterman and Harpers and Queen magazines said that she is "the new Audrey Hepburn".
- Turned down the title role in Adrian Lyne's Lolita (1997), due to her feelings about young adult actors/actresses being exposed to sex in films.
- Before she was cast in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), she had never seen the original 3 Star Wars movies.
- Moved to the US when she was 3 years old.
- Turned down the role of Wendy in The Ice Storm (1997) because she felt the material was "too dark." The role went to Christina Ricci, who has said she often gets the projects Natalie turns down.
- Said would never be in a horror movie or any other "Jennifer Love Hewitt type" film
- Has said in interviews that when she gets older, she would like to be a doctor like her father.
- Was reportedly caught using a fake ID trying to sneak into Boston club called the Roxy. The performer Moby insisted that she was invited by him and refused to perform unless she was admitted. She was admitted, and security watched her as she stood in the back, watched the show, and didn't drink.
- Stated in an on-line interview that the story about sneaking into the Roxy club in Boston to see Moby is not true and that she and her friends went home after they were denied entrance.
- Takes pride in the fact that she is a role model for girls and choses roles that are positive so that they will have a positive role model to look up to.
- Her father is a fertility specialist.
- Auditioned for Little Women (1994).
- Became interested in acting after spending three summers at the prestigious (and expensive) Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Camp.
- Is very close to her parents and says, "The best part about being friends with your parents is that no matter what you do, they always love you."
- Grew up in Syosset, Long Island, New York, where she still resides.
- Dated Lukas Haas. [July 2001]
- Was named one of the 50 Most Beautiful People by People Magazine in 2002.
- Natalie was born on her mother's 29th birthday.
- Father's name: Avner. Mother's name: Shelley.
- One of Teen People Magazine's 25 Hottest Stars under 25 [2002]
- Went to Usdan Camp for the arts as a child.
- The makeup brand Stila has a lip gloss named after her.
- As of March 2007, she has appeared on "Late Show with David Letterman" (1993) 11 times.
- Won the 2002 Teen's Choice Award for choice actress in an action/adventure film (Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)).
- Voted the 15th Sexiest Female Movie Star in the Australian Empire Magazine September 2002.
- Received her Harvard degree in June of 2003.
- Has a passion for travel. In late 2003 and early 2004 she travelled alone to Morocco and Guatemala.
- Favorite actor is Ben Kingsley.
- Is trained in ballet, jazz, and tap dancing.
- She has worked with a several of her co-stars twice: Ashley Judd in Heat (1995) and Where the Heart Is (2000); Lukas Haas in Mars Attacks! (1996) and Everyone Says I Love You (1996); 'Julia Roberts' in Everyone Says I Love You (1996) and Closer (2004/I); Jude Law in Cold Mountain (2003) and Closer (2004/I); Philip Seymour Hoffman in the play The Seagull and Cold Mountain (2003); John Carroll Lynch in Beautiful Girls (1996) and Anywhere But Here (1999). She has also worked for director Mike Nichols on two occasions: for the play The Seagull and Closer (2004/I).
- As a young girl, she was an understudy for the lead character in the off-Broadway show, "Ruthless," alongside Britney Spears. They still keep in touch, and recently threw a party together in New York City.
- Fashion designer Zac Posen refers to her as his "muse."
- Both she and Sofia Coppola have played the daughter of a character played by Al Pacino, and also both appeared in a film featuring Pacino and Robert De Niro. Sofia Coppola was in all three Godfather films (though she had only an uncredited part in the 2nd), and Portman was in Heat (1995). Portman and Coppola appeared together in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).
- Is close friends with Jake Gyllenhaal and Bryce Dallas Howard.
- Her comedic influences are Lily Tomlin and Diane Keaton. She said in an interview, "I love Lily Tomlin and I love Diane Keaton. They're sort of my heroes. Diane Keaton can do anything. She's just the best there is."
- Has a song named after her by the band TeamSleep.
- She and director Tom Tykwer became good friends after working together on True (2004).
- She spoofed her role in Star Wars before becoming involved in the series. In Mars Attacks! (1996), she gives a medal to Lukas Haas in a scene resembling the award ceremony at the end of Star Wars (1977). The medals were given out by Princess Leia, the daughter of Portman's future character, Queen Amidala. In addition, the recipients of those medals, Haas and Harrison Ford, appeared together in Witness (1985).
- Shares a birthday with Johnny Depp and Michael J. Fox.
- Was considered for a role in Elizabethtown (2005).
- Has a CD named after her by Chicago-based DJ Intel One. The CD was done for charity, given away, and titled "Love: A Tribute to Natalie Portman." It featured songs by Shelley Duvall, Common, The Roots, and others.
- She has worked with two Draculas as well as two Frankenstein monsters. In Léon (1994), she worked with Gary Oldman, who played Dracula for Francis Ford Coppola. In Heat (1995), she appeared with Robert De Niro, who played The Creature for Kenneth Branagh. In Star Wars, she works with Christopher Lee, who played both roles for Hammer studios.
- Had to miss the premiere of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) so she could study for her high school final exams.
- Has a song named after her by the band Ozma.
- Bears a striking resemblance to Keira Knightley. Knightley played Sabé, the Queen's decoy, in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). When in makeup, not even the mothers of the actresses could tell them apart.
- She hesitantly shot an explicit nude scene for Closer (2004/I), in the scene where Alice (Portman) strips for Larry (Clive Owen). Ultimately, Portman and director Mike Nichols agreed not to use it, as the scene was effective enough without it.
- Shaved her head for V for Vendetta (2005).
- Learned to speak with a British accent for V for Vendetta (2005).
- Still takes ballet classes.
- Learned how to play the piano and conduct for Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007).
- Named #42 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2005 list.
- Named #49 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005" special supplement. (2005)
- Says her performances in Everyone Says I Love You (1996) is her worst. Her failure, she believes, is her inability to improvise.
- Several months after shaving her head, she was traveling through Ireland and stopped for directions at a bed and breakfast. The owners refused to allow her even onto their porch. They did, however, give her directions.
- Voted Peta's Sexiest Female Vegetarian in 2002.
- A radio station once had a contest to find out where she went to school; Backstreet Boys tickets were the prizes.
- Her mother is American (the daughter of one Russian parent, one Austrian) and her father is Israeli (son of a Polish father).
- In 1999, magazines reported that Portman started a new trend - wearing logo T-shirts - when they snapped photos of her at her 18th birthday wearing a snug Nesquik shirt. (However, logo T-shirts had already been popular since at least the 1970s) She had borrowed the shirt from her best friend's eight-year-old brother; he was appalled.
- In 2005, she spent a few months in Madrid partying with Javier Bardem and friends. She was mostly unrecognizable to fans because of her Mohawk.
- Occasionally shelters dogs.
- Once during an interview, she offered a metaphor for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the David Hare play "Via Dolorosa." It's about a man who jumps out of a burning building and lands on a passerby, breaking the passerby's leg. The passerby says, "You broke my leg," and the man breaks his other leg to shut him up.
- Said that it was while working on The Seagull (2001) that she became aware that acting is much more about the process than the product. Most helpful was when she would peek over Philip Seymour Hoffman's shoulder at the notebook he kept in which he wrote questions and then answers about his character's feelings.
- She became the first client of Artists Management Group to land representation at the powerhouse Creative Artists Agency. CAA refused to work with clients of its former founder Michael Ovitz's AMG; as soon as the one-time super-agent sold out his interest in the management firm, CAA went straight after Portman.
- Was surprised and amused to discover that her apartment in the heart of Kings Cross, London, was across the street from a brothel.
- Took diving courses in Eilat, Israel. Diving is one of her favorite hobbies.
- For her 2003 New Year's party, she wore a Zac Posen dress that had more than $10,000 worth of crystals sewn onto it. She also attended Moby's much-hyped secret Naked NYE party.
- As the first day of Cold Mountain (2003) filming fell on Halloween, Portman came to set dressed as Dorothy Gale only to realize she was the only one who'd dressed up.
- Her years at Harvard resulted in the phenomenon of The Natalies, in which every underclasswoman with that first name received numerous e-mails and phone messages from fans.
- When she arrived at a London airport to do re-shoots for the third Star Wars prequel, a customs official--going by her size--asked Natalie if she was traveling with a guardian.
- Is a close friend and well-known customer of Zac Posen.
- Mike Nichols and his wife, Diane Sawyer, have been friends with Natalie since she was 15.
- Is friends with Jeanine Lobell, founder of Stila cosmetics, and her husband, actor Anthony Edwards.
- She is friends with young writer Jonathan Safran Foer.
- Has been friends with American designer Isaac Mizrahi since she was 14.
- Attended a soccer game in Madrid with Stellan Skarsgård. Afterwards, the team gave her her own jersey.
- While in northern Iraq in 2004, the 1st Battalion 5th Infantry hung a giant poster of her in their command hanger after discovering that most of the men in the unit were big fans.
- Family friend of Audrey Hepburn.
- Was considered for the role of Jane Austen in Becoming Jane (2007), but the role went to Anne Hathaway.
- Her parents met as OSU (Ohio State university) in Columbus, Ohio.
- Shelley, her mother, was born on June 9, 1952, and was raised in Cinncinati, Ohio.
- Has a slight indentation on her head that was visible during the time she her head shaved. The indentation was the result of being delivered by vacuum extraction.
- Avner, her father, was born on September 12, 1951.
- Named #61 in FHM magazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement. (2006).
- Director Milos Forman sought her out for an audition after seeing her on the cover of Vogue. He said that she looked like a Goya painting.
- She currently lives in Long Island, New York, and also shares a home in London, England. She has lived in Long Island, New York since she was a child. [2007]
- Listens mostly to R&B, Old School Hip-Hop and 90s Alternative Rock. Some of her favorite groups and artists are "A Tribe Called Quest", Radiohead, Stevie Wonder, Portishead, Wu Tang Clan, and Nirvana.
- Footage of Natalie Portman and Leonardo DiCaprio as Juliet and Romeo in Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet (1996) was actually shot before executives had her replaced with Claire Danes due to the age difference between Natalie and Leonardo.
- Unwinds by singing karaoke at Winnie's, a NYC bar in Chinatown.
- While in Morocco, she lived in a tent and traveled by camel. She visits Morocco regularly.
- There is a band named after her: Natalie Portman's Shaved Head.
- Named #2 on Empire Magazine's 100 Sexiest Movie Stars. (2007).
- Was ranked #2 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actress list.(2008).
- During the royal premiere of the Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), she met Prince Charles. The prince asked her whether she had also been in the original Star Wars (1977), which had been released four years before her birth.
- Was listed as a potential nominee for the 2008 Razzies for Worst Actress, for her performances in Goya's Ghosts (2006) and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007). She didn't make the final ballot.
- Member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 2008.
- Measurements: 34A/B-25-35 (Source: Celebrity Sleuth magazine).
- Decided to move to California to be closer to her boyfriend Devendra Banhart. [July 2008]
And this is her detailed biography,…
Pretty, petite and doe-eyed, the Jerusalem-born daughter of a fertility doctor and an artist is now studying psychology at prestigious Harvard University in Boston (she turned down a place at Yale) � and it doesn't seem to have damaged her career in the least. Born on June 9, 1981, Natalie has long been on the serious side, deciding to become a vegetarian at the ripe old age of eight, taking time to five additional languages (French, Hebrew and Japanese, Jerman, English and France) and making her Broadway debut while earning near-perfect marks as a full-time high school student.
Portman moved to New York when she was three. Raised on Long Island, she was discovered by a modeling agent who signed her on the spot. Her modeling stint led to an audition for Luc Besson's Leon. Due to her age (she was 12 when the film was cast), Portman was initially turned down for the lead role of Mathilda, a girl who asks a hit man (Jean Reno) to train her as an assassin to avenge her brother's death and falls in love with him in the process. However, she ultimately won the part and her 1994 film debut earned a number of positive notices. Portman then took on the role of Al Pacino's step-daughter in another demanding film, Michael Mann's Heat (1995). She followed this up with lighter fare as Jack Nicholson's daughter in Mars Attacks! (1996). Going on the same year to make Woody Allen's musical comedy Everyone Says I Love You, and continued to ride high with the success of her third film of 1996, Beautiful Girls. Portman took on another title role with her 1997 Broadway debut in The Diary of Anne Frank. She stayed with the show until May 1998, during which time she received positive notices for her performance. After lending her voice to The Prince of Egypt (1998), Portman took on her most talked-about role to date, that of Queen Amidala in The Phantom Menace (1999).
Natalie has also gone her own route in her film career � in fact, one can learn almost as much about her from the films she has turned down as from the ones she's accepted. She passed on Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet because, at 15, she wasn't comfortable with the on-screen love affair with 22-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio. She also rejected two other sexy film offers: the steamy teen seductress in Lolita and Christina Ricci's sexually-charged part in The Ice Storm because it was "too dark". Though she's found a level of success which many aspiring actresses can only dream of, it's clear Natalie won't settle for just being a beautiful Hollywood starlet.
[copied from http://www.netglimse.com/]
SEE ? how great she is, that's why I'm a big fans of her.
PS : pas nulis post ini gue abis maskeran jadi berasa cantik kaya Natalie deh, hehehe
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Rain (?)

tetep ya, yang pake jaket biru cantik, eh cantik semua deng

ga ada guenya, ga seru ah hehehe

ga penting ya, tapi cantik lo semua #nyindir lho hehehe
Trio kwek kwek ahahahaha
hmm, cantik nyo yang ini, hehehe
wadaw, mangap ya gue,
yang pojok, yang make jaket biru cantik ya kan ?
ga penting ni, yang ini
kalo yang ini....
fisrt picture lho yang ini, eh gue cantik ya ! hehehe
SERU yaaa !