It's 2011. And I got so much story to tell.
Here we go....
I don't really remember what I've done and I've got in January hehehehe. Hmmm pas awal- awal Januari sih gue inget banget gue minta dibeliin majalah CosmoGirl! Edisi januari 2011. Kala itu gue lagi di rumah Cikarang. Terus dibeliin deh sama mama, gue ga sabar baca majalah itu soalnya gue nunggu – nunggu banget rubrik pemenang hadiah untuk edisi October 2010 yang gue ikutin. Daaaaaan tam…tam… GUE MENANG! I WIN! Yeeees, gue dapet iPod Classic 4GB, buat gue itu udah lebih dari sekedar lumayan, karena ini gratisan! Gratisan! GRATISAAAAAAN!
Januari sekolah kelas gue juga lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama yang namanya DRAMUS, tapi masih tahap awal, jadi kaya penentuan tema drama, lalu naskah. Tema yang diusulan sangat beragam dan menarik.
Lupa eung sama cerita – cerita di bulan ini, tapi pastinya weekend selama beberapa kali gue ke sekolah untuk REMEDIAL! h ya, gue juga kena cidera lutut kanan, eh apa kiri gitu, sampe lumayan parah gitu ceritanya gue ga masuk sekolah tiga apa dua hari lah, terus di lutut gue di pasang dekker (atau nulisnya gimana) hueheuehue, berasa atlet boooo pake dekker!
Lupa aslinya deh apa yang terjadi sama gue dibulan ini, yaah palingan kaya biasa aja, paling yang bikin biasa berubah ke extra itu yaaa DRAMUS! Nyicil-nyicil kelas gue ngerjainnya mulai dari naskah samapai casting! Daaaan I got a role as a coquettish secretary whuoooooooops BADLUCK for me, cause I'd to use a high heels and skirt! Err, kinda bad! Eh ya gue ikutan acara namanya AMOEBA! Tulisannya AMOE8A! karena itu adalah amuba yang ke delapan! COOL! Itu singkatan dari 'Acara mencari ukhhuwah bersama Akhwat' JUST FOR GIRLS! Oh ya just made @X8EST account hehehehe, I was the owner and then Fiva come help me to manage that acc, so we're DUO ADMIN! Weseseseses.
Dikasih Bebe sama papa, bekas papa tapi yang Gemini item, gapengen-pengen amat sih pake bebe, tapiiiiii, my BROWNY SONER was die tragically. Good! Cinta pun datang dan bersemi, lalu terkena penguguran dini, alias layu beberapa bulan kemudian. PEDO!
Otanjōbiomedetōgozaimasu, selamat ulang tahun papahku tercinta, Adam Suharnas. Maaf ya pap aku gabisa nulis bahasa jepangnya, im Korean. Beli kado parfume ceritanya buat si papap the eh tapi baunya kaya bau cewe ceunah. So, BATAL! Banyak libur, dan untuk DRAMUS! Semakin dekat menuju the H day, oh ya ada gladiresik juga! Lupa apa yang terjadi di bulan ni seriously!
May is my nickname, in my clique. Poke Ad and Rass.
MAY, 7th! THE DAY! IT'S THE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Inget banget kesekolah dateng nyubuh, berconverse, ber-rok abu seragam, berkaos hitam, bercaket garis-garis belel. Muka bantal jelas sekaleeeeee, masih jam 6 kurang cyiiiiin udah standby mode on di kelas. Ngantuk. Gue pikir tinggal ganti kostum pas nyampe soalnya semua kostum di kelas. Daaaan, disuruh ikut upacara pembukaan, err pake seragam full deh! Terus grasak grusuk, ganti baju, terus buru-buru makeup, terus TAMPIL! OHMAAAAAAAAAN, PANASHOT ABIS! Make up luntur, paling males pas kudu masuk-masukin kursi ke stage, shitake, daaaan nyanyi lagu yang awkward banget! Turun dari stage, heels meletot tapi ga patah. ADA MAMA DAN PAPA. HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, untung mereka telat, untung mereka ga liat gue nyanyi kaya apa tau. Tapi sialnya mereka liat make up luntur ala 2011! Oh ya, hasilnya kelas gue kalah urutan ke 8 dari 9 kelas! PRETTY GOOOD HONEEEEY!
Ah ya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SISSY, SHAFIRA KHAIRUNISSA, stay young and beauty, longlife. All the best wishes from fly away to you.
And for the first time spent my holiday in Garut with my family. Ah I miss family time like this, since I moved to Bandung and live sooo far away with my family, I miss to see their face everyday.
SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN MAMAKU TERCINTA. YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING. Love you always. Maaf ya mah, aku belum langsing dan nurut.
UAS! Alhamdulillah, Allah still loves me even I'm not the smart one, because Allah gave me the smart one to help me! Thanks to fiva, devi, anisha, azmi, and dicky. Guys you rock me the way you help me! Eyaaaaaaaaaa. Oh Ya gue duduk sama kakak kelas yang menurut gue unik! Dan nyaris mendapatkan rekor MURI! Bayangin aja, dia cuman make panghapus tuh hari Jum'at sampe Sabtu. Dari Senin-Kamis ulangan GAK PAKE PENGHAPUS SAMA SEKALI!
I CAN COOK! YEAY! AH YA, JUST MADE AN OUT(of the line, baca:ngawur) RAGEOUS BAZZAAAR with @ X8EST and XI EXACT LUPA hehehehe, we made samosa, mie iting ibo, pudding parahyangan, and California dream! It was (IN)TRADITIONAL Bazaar! And guess what?! Semua makanan habis terjual sebelum waktu penjualan berakhir! Yuhuuuuuuuu.
DUFAN! DO FUN! With @X8EST! fuuuuun. AH ya, just got a new class. XI IPA 3! WOOOOW full of smartpeople such as me! Huehuheuheuheuehuehue, making yourself happy isn't a big sins honey! Hahaha.
Ahya, I finally found a novel I've looking for, for a few years(lebay) in the biggest book flea market, yeah in palasari. PHILOPHOBIA. And for the first time I got my adventure nyasar moment, with my friends! Ahahaaha, rencana awal cuman belanja buku sekolah ke palasari dan merembet ke kota kembang beli DVD!
DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA. Happy Independence Day, INDONESIA. Berhubung bertepatan dengan Bulan Puasa jadi ga ada perayaan tujuh belas agustusan.
RAMADHAN! Alhamdulillah ya allah masih bisa bertemu lagi sama bulan yang penuh berkah. Semoga kita bertemu lagi yah tahun depan, amiiiiin. Dibulan ini gue dan teman-teman gue lagi hobi-hobinya nyanyi di panggung mini milik kelas gue, jadwal manggung kita setiap Jum'at sesudah orang-orang pada pulang, dari minggu ke minggu bertambah terus lhoo penontonnya, sampai akhirnya gue, five, mon. sibuk.
HAPPY EID MUBARAK! Alhamdulillah masih bisa merayakan hari yang penuh fitri ini. Meskipun yah pas malam takbiran ada beberapa masalah datang, meski berhasil dilewati Alhamdulillahya Allah.
Gada hal yang paling menggembirakan saat banyak orang bilang kamu kurusan. Weehehehehe, iya nih pas lebaran, malemnya kumpul di keluarga papah, gue pake jeans+kebaya unformal warna putih.
And they said "Muth, kurusan ih. Diet?" "Asa kurusan Muth, beger yaaa?"
Ah ya, beberapa hari sebelum sekolah tepatnya tanggal 7 Semptember, gue erhasil menabrak sebuah Truk di Minggu pagi yang cerah, yang suskes juga membuat motor gue ringsek. Uang lebaran pun mengalir untuk memperbaiki motor itu. ckck
HEY! ROCKTOBER! Thankyou for rockin my month.
Dibulan ini gue jauh lebih bersikap sedikit dewasa daripada tahun kemarin, hehehe. Dapet hape baru, dapet dua kali surprise birthday party, meski ga di hari H, hehehe (cause I had my hibernation yeah
in the H day) thankyou everyone for wishing me with all good wishes. Thankyou, gomawoseo.
Just join the challenge with fiva, she asked me to be her partner, so I follow my intuition, and my intuition say that I've to follow it. In the last day of October, I'll try my luck in the 1st challenge and I lost. But guys remember a classic quote say " a failure is a postponed success" rite? So, we decided to try our luck again in the second challenge, even with a less preparation and with a big confidence WE WON THIS. Alhamdulillah. Ah ya I forget to tell you what was the challenge? Well it was a challenge named #Cornetto2PM from Cornetto, guys follow him, you won't regret. @SiCornettoBoy on twitter.
OH YA, mulai sibuk nih sama vocal group gue, anggotanya adalah….. ASYFHA as the leader, Me, Desy, Clara, Regina, Ghaida, Aldrin, Fikri, Fakhri, Dicky, Azhar. We sang Terserah by Glenn Fredly! It's UberCool ya know?
I've tell you about the challenge, actually I began to join the challenge in the last day of October but, I won the 2nd challenge in this month, NOVEMBER,
LOVEMBER. Yeah I got 2 tickets of 2PM HANDS UP TOUR CONCERT. Well before I join this challenge, I only knew one song of them, "HANDS UP" but fiva poisoning me with everythings about 2PM, then we watch the concert on 11-11-11 ah, such a beautiful Friday night ever, and since 111111 I'm officially mad in love with 2PM, especially Wooyoung. And since 111111 too, I'm Hottest.
In this month too, I made a big steps in my life. Yeah maybe I've told you in the previous post. Yeah Alhamdulillah, I wear hijab, and I've done my obligation as moeslem. Alhamdulillah, now I'm trying and always trying to wear it beautifully, and of course I'm trying to improve my attitude in a good way, and for my better life.
Happy Islamic New Year, Alhamdulillah I can meet this new year again.
Gatau kenpa menurut gue desember itu bulan yang paling cocok sama peribahasa "berakit-rakit dahulu berenang-renang kemudian, bersakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian"
di awal bulan gue dihadapkan dengan UAS! Who doesn't hate the exam! Di pertengahan di hadapkan dnegan bagi rapot yang hasilnya memuakkan, dia akhir tahun BERGEMBIRA dengan liburan meski yah masih terbayang-bayang sekolah. Hehehehe liburan kali ini ga kemana-mana paling Dufan sama Kampung Gajah aja, sisanya? MALL seputaran Jakarta dan Bekasi. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!
NAH! sekarang beberapa foto yang gue ambil di 2011!
foto ini diambil paaaas awal banget semester 2! ini foto abis remedial matematika lhoooo, sekaligus ikut seminar dari T-Sel. hehehe dapet goodie bag, yang isinya alhamdulillah berguna.
sepatu yang gue pake itu samaan lhoo sama sepatu Risa, beda warna tapinya.
webcam-an di laptop gue nih, liat betapa menjijikannya rambut gue.
gue bareng emon, ga nyangka kita sebangku
susana latihan drmaus di lapangan volley sriwijaya, memorable place.
It's D Day.
webcaman lagi!
klo ga salah ini foto habis ulangan biologi, terus mau kerja kelompok nahasa sunda.
me in Garut.
lovey dovey family.
lovey dovey daddy-O
loveydovey sisters
me, before the metamorphosis
loveydeovey mommy!
the everlasting lovey dovey love!
me after the accident! i cut my hair.
first photo, before the challenge.
my D+1 Birthday parteeeeh...
also this...
and this...
(really...really ) surprise party form XI IPA 3. gomawoyoo.
three idiots loveydoveyeeeeeh!
1st challenge photos...
and this....
2nd challenge photos, which made us won! UNPREDICTABLE!
three hottest, on the spot!
otw! there was a crazy traffic jam! we wre nerveous actually.
2PM D.I.Y t-shirt.
lovey dovey mommy!
and this...
crazy webcam with iPhoto
Dufan with loveydoveys!
turangaranga shines brightly!
loveydovey and laskar pelangi.
Dear, 2011.
2011ku, Thankyou for giving me all the greatest thing along your time.
Now, lemme go with 2012ku, I hope 2012ku will be as great as you, or maybe better. Amin.
Once more, Terimakasih, Thankyou, Gomawoyo, 2011ku.
Amira Cita Muthia
Dah segitu dulu deh kaleidoskop gue tahun ini, sampai jumpa di kaleidoskop 2012, insya allah.