Udah 3 kali ke Bali dari dulu juga gada satu pun yang saya buat review. Pulau Seribu, Solo, Yogya trips are also just written in my mind ehehehe.
Back to the Day 2, after we had buffet breakfast dengan pilihan menu yang ngga sebanyak buffet dinner, daaaaannnn...... pagi-pagi udah disuguhi rendang. emang melayu abis deh menu nya. tapi ada juga kok sereals or french toast for western tourists.
ini pemandangan dari lantai gatau lantai berapa lupa, ehehe!
the fog! |
Nah, sempet ada kejadian ga enak nih jadi bis dari tour waktu itu koplingnya rusak, gatau deh pokoknya sampe di jok supirr itu berasap, and it was super duper bad smell. make it worse kita semua turun dan jalan kaki ke BATU CAVES, emang udah deket banget sih cuman jalan di kolong jembatan layang yang macet dan kumuh itu begimana gituu.. hehehe.
Balik ke cerita yaa....
Kalau mau ke gua nya kita harus naik anak tangga yang masya alloh banyak banget dan udara hari itu panas gila! Jadi yaa hapunten we yah! duh roaming bahasanya, maksud saya ya makasi aja deh bang mening saya ngasi makan burung-burung merpati terus nangkring di toko india beli teh tarik.
Hih ya terus mulai beli souvenir juga. Penjualnya orang bangladesh apa pakistan gitu, but they speak english and bahasa well! and the prices is so good! even though in such tourism area.
memandang dari bawah juga cukup kok! kan saya juga gakan berdoa diatas nanti. |
Istana Negara Sultan Malaysia, duh gatau nama lengkapnya apa pokoknya itu deh, selain bis gue juga banyak bis lain yang berkunjung disini, but unfortunately, Rain was pouring down and so hard! jadi ya kita nunggu di bis, kemudian ga lama hujan berenti, so we have short walk in front of the palace.
There's a lot western tourist too took a pictures here. i dont know that they're really interest to the palace or it's just accidentally because mostly western tourist take a city tour by KL HOP ON HOP BUS--the two stories bus. This bus not only take you to have city tour, but this bus also travel from KL to Spore!
ma familia picture! sumpeh silauu banget pas difoto meskipun mendung (?) |
KL TOWER! was the next stop on our city tour. when we arrived there, we directly queue on group visitors line. that day there was a wedding held in the sky resto--hehe i dont remember the resto's name. Actually on KL Tower itself there's some places to visit like aquarium, theaters or something else AGAINN i dont remember and moreover because i only went to the obsevartory deck.
To get the observ deck, we took the lift. the lift size isnt that big it fits for almost 20 peops. Its speed is also quick about in minutes we reach the observ deck.
yeay! after short city tour we checked in to the Hotel it was HOTEL ROYAL KUALA LUMPUR in Bukit Bintang the shopping area. my hotel is right next to Park Royal Hotel. it just took minutes to the shopping places, such Bukit Bintang, Sungai Wei (?)--CMIIW. HnM Forever21 is around the place, the junction was crowded and surrounded by Malls. a good place for you fashionista, but nothing special.
oh the night we went nowhere because of the bad weather, just stay in our room and having KFC as dinner. Btw the rice in KFC there is Nasi Lemak or known as Nasi Uduk in Indonesia, for you who dont know, it is a rice that cooked with coconut milk. I wasnt into it, i want a normal rice :(
First, the Lobby is not that spacious, only there's few couples of chair, maybe they thought that this hotels was designed for such sophaholic or bussiness man that only need a bed to crash on the night.
The Room is Huge!!! Compared to my room in Genting maybe it was double size. (Since i believe that it was cost the same or similiar with my room in Genting)
The Bed Size is Queen Size, so thats really enough for me and my sisters,it was facing the TWIN TOWERS! Yippie such a good scenery.
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Unfortunately i took picture in Snapchat so i didnt save anything.the image taken from here |
(-) Four Stars Hotel.
(+) There's TV CABLE! and the channels was complete enough.
(+) The Bathroom! It's really huge, there's no BATHTUBE and instead of showers. There's water heater of course, i dont know maybe because it was raining season or maybe the weather is usually that cold.
(+) There's flatiron and so does with the table.
(+) HairDryer for the sake of rambut ketje so does hijab ketje!
(+) 2 bottle of mineral waters per day.
(-) It's old hotel, so the interior lil bit too way classy.
Enough for today post, wkkwkw wish me could end this review any soooon!!!