Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Assalamualaikum everyone. 
anyway, if there might be a non muslim who read this blog and wondering what is the meaning of Assalamualaikum, here lemme tell you. 

“peace be upon you”

2 days before 4th mensiversary since I moved here. Time fliessss. 
Today is the second day of my natsu yasumi or Summer Break, yeay! 
A lot of schedjule in the first week of natsu yasumi have awaited me. Alhamdulillah.
And I just had a mood to write again, yeay! So here it is..

Flashback to the last year, the first time I was into Japanese world. No matter how many My Father's Japanese books in my home, but last year was actually the first time I saw how Japanese live their life with my own eyes. 
At that time, I was a fresh grad, lack of experience in working life esp Manufacturing Industry. 
My Manager was Japanese, we were working on the same room. I worked for him and my SPV. The first two weeks was so thrilling, I need to learn a lot from the former person in my position. By the time what I say learning It was not like they explaining A to Z and I make a not. Well yes they explained me first, but mostly they explained me while made me to practice at the same time. 

They mostly asked me to look around when I had time. It wasnt like looking around as you were in field trip. But I need to look around and see the details. 

After my mentor officially resigned and left the office I was left alone in the office and need to get used to their habits by myself. Like they wouldnt ask me to do A first and then B, but I was the done who had to figured it out what to do first, what to do next and so on. 

Things are changed that much within short period after my mentor left, all i need to do was making my self ready for any kind of situations. 
Like as I know sometimes they didnt remind me that tomorrow we'll have an audit by customer in few days before, but it could D-few hours and I need to understand the things and figured out what to do quickly. 

My Japanese boss didnt speak English, he drew somethings, or idk what he did actually but somehow I understand  what he wanted me to do :") 

Whenever there was a problem He always tried to figure it out by himself. He would never assuming the proble by only what people told. He listened, He checked the thing by himself, He researched and so on.  I was felt like I was in auto-pilot mode when I saw that. Whenever I need a data from XYZ or YWZ I looked for that by my self whether in old files in the PC or among the files in the shelves. 

Now, jumped to the 3 weeks after I moved here. The time when I get my first part time job in a Japanese Restaurant in here. 
The chief of the kitchen always asked me to look around and say "Shirabete" means look around and observed. 
They also explained things for 1 time only and then practice and practice and try to memorize everything. 
Very typical of Japanese.
But unfortunately I didn't make it for that job due to my lack of Japanese level that time. LOL.  

Moments before I write this post I was just watching youtube channels, some Ted Talks that led me to watch a video of an English woman who is trying to live as a Muslim for a week. If you want to see that, kindly click this link. That video brought me to a Tedx video from Japanese who found her treasures "ISLAM" that I watched couple months before. 

On that video Miwa Essadi san, said that as she learn about Islam, she found out that Islam principals has a lot in common to Japanese values. Such as, Modesty, Piety, Courtesy Honesty, Righteousness.  

But in my experience, when my former bosses, always said Shirabete or Shiraberu. It's just like Allah first order that's written in Quran. QS Al Alaq.

Iqra means read. But actually it doesnt mean like read literally, but it means to seek knowledge.

Alhamdulillah I could find the same value of Islam and Japanese culture that I experienced it by my own self. 

Eventhough the experience at my first part time job was unpleasant (when I ask or forget how to do something they always said "shiraberu!". Shiraberu is an unformal way actually to asking someone to find out something, it should be "shirabete kudasai" ) but I'm happy that I learned a lot. Becasue actually when we try to find out something by reading, observe it's part of Japanese Principals, Mindfullness to others.

Try to observe so you won't ask others that much that might be bother them. That is also the part of their character of being Mindfullness to others. An act with full sense of care to others, to make other people more comfortable, and to not bothers others in every thing you do. 

Good Night!


Friday, June 15, 2018

02:28 AM

Assalamualaikum everyone.
It's almost dawn in here. A quiet night, like always.

A few hours to go Eid Fitr. My first Eid Fitr away from home and family.
Spending the Eid Fitr eve alone in my room with Takbeer video from the youtube.

In this time, I really wanna tell the story of mine about the power du'a.

Whatever is prayed at the time of breaking the fast is granted and never refused. [Tarmidhi]

This Ramadhan, I was having some different experience than Ramadhan i had before.
I learn to tolerate more.
I learn to grate more.
I learn to only ask to Allah when nobody is around.

Scrolling to the social media, I found some dua that other people prayed.

 It was QS Yusuf : 4 and QS Thaha : 39.

She said when we recite the dua, Allah will send us a lovely and nice people around us. And we will look glowing.

i try to recite them, but never expect that Allah will grant my pray in really soon.

At the first time I recite that after doing salah. Somebody greet me with "Assalamualaikum" in a place that Muslims are rare. It was a muslimah in one of Shopping Mall in my town. I was so happy by only received Assalamualaikum. At that time I dont have much muslim friends in here.

After that i met others on the masjid owned my Indonesia government. A nice and heartwarming muslimah. I gained more family.

In the last 10 days of Ramadhan, honestly  I was getting lazier to do ibadah :(
Because of the time for sahoor is end up earlier, and the time for the breakfasting is getting late.
The weather which is getting hotter since it's an early summer.
And tired to stay awake until sahoor time.

Some problems hit me.
Of course I became so confused, and sad. A high level of sad that I cant even cry.
And I was so poor back then I own a very little of money that should be last for a week. Almost impossible to make it.

Then there's a post about dua that will help you to get your rezeki, remember if we talk about rezeki it's not onlyy about money.

It was QS Al- Waqiah. A surah about Qiamat Day and The honour of Al Quran.

I remember My Grandma used to ask me to recite this surah a lot.

At that day I try to tawakkal, and try to be grateful of what i've had.

I opened my refigrators, I saw some of food that can be made and will last for days.
I check my transportation card, there's some balance that could make it for my tranportation to go to work and even there's some spare more.

That day was raining not that heavy but it could soak my entire body if i ride a bycycle. So I decided to walk from my way back to home from school instead of taking a bus. I always have an issue with walking with a flat shoes on. But that day wasn't the other day. I feel so easy to walk that far. Maybe that's from Allah helps.

Once I get home I recieve a call for an interview of another job, and I also get another interview invitation on my email. See? Allah grant my dua in unexpected ways and beyond my expectations.

I dont know how the interview results are. But by giving a chance by Allah it's like you have another key to a door of rezeki. The key might be come to a wrong door, but you know the key will find the match door eventually.

Now, it's an Eid Fitr eve. I'm having a mixed feeling. Beside the joy about this glorious day I also have some things that bother me.
But I remember I have Allah SWT my one and only helpers.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Whoa even I'm feeling thrilled by seeing that title.

Long story short, within 2 years since my last post.
I graduated from Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Officially a diploma of electrical engineering.
I went to a Japanese Automotive Company and work for about 6 months.
And now I'm living in Japan as a Language School student, with Japanese Language as my major and also do part time job.

I'm still considering to post some travel post drafts that has been hibernating in my draft room, some of them even written in the end of 2015, pathetic yes I know.

Okay. Now. Lets. Move.

April 9th 2018, is the day I left Indonesia, planned for 2 years leave without coming back within those times.

Soon as I arrived, Of course I was feeling the Japan Vibes but at some point I didnt feel like I'm home away. I just hope that maybe will be a sign for me, or even from my self to accept this place as my home for the next 2 years or more.

This country, Japan. It's already be a part of me since I was childhood from its cartoon, its children book that my father's boss gave me, and its beautiful scenery captured into my father's company calendars every years.

Back in highschool, as I was schooler, young and full of ambition. I really want to go here to study. But my father didnt allow me unless i get a fully scholarship, hahaha yeah you know beside his reason that i'm still toO young and unstable, of course the financial issues. My family is not a rich blood family but Alhamdulillah we're well off enough.

I didnt get any of scholarship I applied. Ah ya, before applying I went to Japan Edu Fair held by JASSO and MEXT i guess in ITB. I collect the free merchandise from Tohoko, to Waseda. I was so proud the day after that day to bring the goodie bag from Japan University and changed it day by day because i had some back then. hahaha LOL.

Well, enough for the throwback.

I lived my life, Thank God thought none of Scholarship I get. I accepted in national universities without any hassle. It were POLBAN and UNPAD. and I choose Polban over Unpad due to the major. Of course after lot of thought and tears haha.

And then jumped to September 2017. My father's friends tell that his colleague has a Japanese Language School and looking for Indonesia students so there will be much diverisity n that school. I guess.
I applied then, tryingg my luck. In that time I already became a permanent staff in a Japanese company, not soo big company but aint to be ignored too. A long way of birocracy and uncertainty haunted me.

I decided to resign on mid December from my company. A short journey that taught me a lot, both about manufacture industry process to face up humans.

In the end of February, things got cleared. It was a final.

March was the last month I spent fully in Indonesia. Prepared a lot yet still didnt feel like I'm about to leave. Still manage my baby that born in early February I guess @Kanarazu.ID

And here I am now, writing on the last day of Golden Week in my room alone hahaha.

Unfortunately, I dont have any Indonesia friends nearby. I have one, but she's going back to Indonesia on the end of May :(

Friends in my classes also mostly cant speak english, a lot of hassle i went thru in the first 3 weeks. Yet I really grateful because of that's all. I met nice people, and a lot of lesson learned within those times.

Currently i'm surviving in new place and being alone. hahaha.
Please pray for me whoever read this uninteresting blog.

I'm about to write more in here to spend my extra spare time, i'd like to talk to human, 2 way of conversation is really work on me than writing like this. But yeah we know everyone are rotating on their on axis. There will be a time they're busy with their own things so yeah Hello again my blog!

