Well, hellow fellas, how's life ? by the way, [idunnowhy] but i feel always happy everyday since 2011 come to my life. WOW-ITS-SO-OH-ULTRA-COOL :* serasa lebih ringan setiap melangkahkan kaki kemanapun sepatu gue mau pergi, well, seperti foto - foto berikut ini, foto-foto ini diambil setelah saya melakukan remed IPA, kalau gak salah hehehe.

weird-o haha

menongkrong itu indah

it's totally candid by the way. geeez.

me, nisha, stevie, sayyidah

me,with mbok stevie

cheers, oh no sooo weird-o

i'm happy so what hahaha

IT'S ME, hmmm, there's another photo by the way, but i'll upload it next time.