Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I kissed……

Hi, Fellas. Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin yah. Remember, 6 hari yang lalu adalah lebaran. HAPPY EID MUBARAK!!! Allah Bless Us.

Well, maybe I post it on Tuesday, but truly what I want to tell you guy is what was happened to me two days ago, or SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER, 4TH 2011.

I WOKE UP VERY LATE. Just like usual,I woke about 07:30 or maybe 07:40. then, my daddy asked me to buy 'kupat tahu' (I don't know how to say kupat tahu in English, it such a traditional breakfast from Sunda, West Java). He said that I could use the motorcycle to buy it. Yeay! Finally, my daddy gave me the license to ride. HAPPY. HAPPY, AND HAPPY. I got up from my bed very very quickly, brushed my teeth, washed my face and reach the motor's key. I asked my sist to go with me. Then, voila I was on the road, and it was quite crowded, I ride the motor very very slowdown, and when I was out of traffic, I ride the motor lil bit fast. Then I look my right to see the place that sell kupat tahu, but dumbie me, when I look back,taraaaaa. A truck was stop in front of me, AND IT WAS VERY NEAR. I couldn't handle the motor, cause it was on high speed. BRUUUK, I HIT THE TRUCK. I was panic don't know how to do, I looked at my sister she was crying, I ride my motor back to home. Told everybody what was happened, they mad at me, I said nothing, even it was so hard for me to say a word. But I promise 'em that im gonna pay all the cost to fix that motor. Even, I was almost always cry everytime I saw the motor.

In the evening, I went to small salon, wash my hair then cut it very very shortly. Somepeople says that cut hair very..very shortly it's not a big deal. For me it such a biggest step in my life.

[lets speak in bahasa]

Sebelum kejadian ini pun gue selalu ngeras ADA SESUATU di hati, entahlah apa itu. Pokoknya pas malam takbiran gue ngerasain sesuatu yang aneh, beragam masalah pun bermunculan dalam satu waktu, tapi hati gue selalu bilang, it's nothing, and there's something big will happen to me. Gue cuman berdo'a. Gue BERUSAHA untuk ngga bersikap beda, meski hati gue deg-degan. Gue pikir awalnya "am I fallin in love into someone? Cause I'm feeling nervous all the time" tapi NGGA! Malahan gue ngerasa 'rasa' yang kemaren-kemaren ada untuk seseorang udah lenyap. Terus yah gue kan baca novel Fitri Tropica yang judulnya kening, nah disitu kalau Agra[mantannya Fitrop] ngerasa lebih dekat sama pacar barunya setelah kecelakaan, gue langsung ngebayangin kalau gue kecelakaan motor sama cowok yang gue suka, dibayangan gue gue diboceng sama si doi, terus motor si doi ditabrak di pertigaan sangkuriang cimahi. Tapi lama-lama diotak gue, dibayangan gue kok cuman gue doang yang kecelakaan. Terus bayangan kecelakaan itu jadi semakin sering, dan terus gue inget kata-kata Fiva, "Kamu belum pernah jatoh dari motor mut? Belum pernah tabrakan? Berarti belum jago" dan kata-kata itu terus terngiang-ngiang.

Dan ternyata perasaan gue bener, terjadilah ciuman paling indah antara gue dengan bagian belakangan truk, tapi habis itu gue ngerasa plong! Hehehe. Semoga gada apa-apa lagi yah nantinya.

Intinya apa yah? HATI-HATI! Dalam setiap hal.



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